Social and Gender Data 2019

The data reported here has been externally assured by DNV GL 2019 Assurance Statement

Topic Goal Data Metric Coverage
(% of VTR
Talent Attraction & Retention Maintain overall employee engagement in the top half of companies compared to our peer benchmark

Delta to 50th percentile peer benchmark:

  • 2019: +8%
  • 2018: +9%
  • 20171: +16%
Talent Attraction & Retention Offer an employee health package that exceeds a cross-industry benchmark of >2,500 companies

Avg. employee spend | Delta to peer benchmark:

  • 2019: $18,938 | +45%
  • 2018: $19,032 | +50%
  • 2017: $17,937 | +47%
Talent Attraction & Retention Annual target of 0 lost time incidents for employees

# incidents | Lost Time Frequency Rate

  • 2019: 0 | 0
  • 2018: 1 | 1.13
  • 2017: 1 | 1.13
Diversity & Inclusion Maintain 50:50 gender balance between male and female employees across our organization (+/- 5%)

% Female | % Male (as of 12/31):

  • 2019: 48 | 52
  • 2018: 48 | 52
  • 2017: 48 | 52
Diversity & Inclusion Achieve 25% female representation among Ventas Leadership by 2023

% Female | % Male:

  • 2019: 20 | 80
  • 2018: 18 | 82
  • 2017: 18 | 82
  1. Ventas transitioned to one survey for Ventas and Lillibridge employees in 2018. The 2017 delta is a weighted average of two separate surveys and is not directly comparable to 2018 and 2019.
  2. Excludes Jensen subsidiary which is independently managed, with its own, separate benefits plan and is not part of the Ventas workers’ compensation program.